Industries Served
Specialized industry knowledge to serve your needs.

Real-Esate Industry
Building Smart Projects and Your Bottom Line
We understand the high-stakes, unpredictable nature of the real estate market based on our experience in the industry. Whether from the perspective of family-owned development companies, real estate partnerships, or developers building subsidized housing, we help from the project initiation stage all the way through construction and ongoing operations.
We help our clients:
● Evaluate whether a piece of property is worth buying
● Perform due diligence on prospective tenants
● Perform a cash flow analysis to determine the amount of money that will be available for limited partners
● Advise on the tax consequences of transactions
● Consult with senior partners about bonus distributions
● Help draft employee manuals, performe due diligence analysis on prospective tenants and more
● Assist with compliance with HUD and state financing guidelines
Why Pinell & Martinez, CPAs?
Top-tier real estate developers, companies, and professionals throughout Covington, Mandeville, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and beyond rely on our advisors to provide trusted counsel, whether it is providing financial analysis to support decision-making, financing alternatives, or profitable operations.
To learn more about how we can help, contact Chris Pinell at 985.327.7311