Industries Served
Specialized industry knowledge to serve your needs.

Nonprofit Organizations
As a nonprofit organization, you must manage resources in the light of federal and state oversight and public scrutiny. That is where Pinell & Martinez, CPAs shine.…

The healthcare industry demands excellence in every aspect of your practice - from the quality of care to the efficiency of your day-to-day operations. You need a partner who provides timely advice and guidance…

Professional Firms
Managing an engineering practice or a law firm presents a unique set of challenges. Firms often need the insight of an experienced advisor with knowledge of the profession landscape…

Financial Sector
Financial firms trust the accounting and financial advisory team at Pinell & Martinez, CPAs because we bring expertise to the complex obligations…

Whether construction is your primary business or a critical aspect of your operations, the tasks of bidding, budgeting, time-lines and reporting requirements…

Manufacturing & Distribution
Manufacturers and distributors are constantly challenged to improve margins and boost profitability. That's not always a simple task. You need a financial partner to help you meet challenges…

Real Estate
For owner/operators, the business of real estate often runs in the family, and always runs in their veins. At Pinell & Martinez, CPAs, it also runs in ours. Our firm was founded by people…

Today, operating a retail business is more than just selling to customers. There are numerous and complex issues that must be addressed in order to maintain a…